#1 Secret to Healing a Scar Your Doctor Wont Tell You

Gratitude, and the Most Peculiar Things
November 27, 2014
Self Hypnosis for Cancer Patients
January 19, 2015

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Dr. Lupo put both hands around my neck and leaned in close, “What are you doing?” He repeated over and over again while examining the scar. He pushed on it with his fingers, pressing and pulling my skin. It had been gnarly The kind you’d see on Frankenstein’s daughter. My neck had been carved up twice before – once when they found Hodgkins forty years ago, and at age 21 when I had Thyroid cancer. Dr Lupo’s blade cut through both original scars, and continued all the way up to my right ear. I was surprised at his reaction. I thought everyone knew. Coconut oil. Today that scar is so thin and fine, it is hard to see, unless I have a tan. That was 2010.

 Extra Virgin Olive Oil is your best friend!

The Doc has just removed your staples or stitches. You look at the mirror in horror. Tears swell up in your eyes Your neck, hand, stomach, foot, leg, whatever, looks grotesque. Halloween is over, but you feel like the monster that makes others cringe. Staring back at you must be the biggest, ugliest, damn scar you’ve ever seen up close and personal.

  • Do not be alarmed
  • Trust me

Slather Coconut oil all over that scar.

The secret is to do this daily, several times if you can remember. I have a graft on my right arm that gets hammered from dialysis five times a week. My doctor is always surprised when she see’s how great it looks. I remind her every month. Coconut oil. All of my recent scars – Both kidney scars, breast replacement scars, gall bladder scar, and other related surgery scars are looking pretty fine. Yeah, this stuff heals like freaking magic.

Needless to say, I use a ton of it. All over my body. Seriously. Gobs of it. I keep one tub in the bedroom, one in the bathroom, and one in the kitchen for cooking. What? Why?

Keep slathering away!

  • On cracked feet. Put socks on before bed. See results fast
  • After shower or bath right before toweling off – trust me
  • On wet hair to control frizz.- just a little
  • On dry, static hair – just a touch
  • On your neck ladies! We show our age there first
  • Around eyes – also make-up remover
  • All over face
  • Cuticles and cracked hands
  • Knees, elbow, legs, any dry spots
  • Stir frying over high heat recipes
  • Detoxers eat it by the spoonful – heals from the inside – no joke
  • On every single scar

Where do you find it?

  • Wholefoods has a plethora of brands and sizes to chose from
  • Most health food stores
  • At your grocery store in the health food section

So now what?

Patience Grasshopper. That bumpy, curling, twisted skin will settle down. It will smooth out. I know it’s hard to look at, especially when it’s fresh. The experience may have been traumatic. Scars remind us of that. They also tell a story, and you lived to tell about it, whether it was surviving cancer or jumping off your neighbor’s trampoline. Whatever your story, put some coconut oil on that damn scar!

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