NO! My Amazon Review Ran Amok

Paul’s Heart Heals
September 10, 2015


Oops! You mean there are rules?

I had so much fun the other night writing my Amazon review for the ebook, How To Gain 100,000 Twitter Followers: Twitter Secrets Revealed by an Expert, by M. LeMont. Wide awake at 1:00am, I was stoked. I broke 1,000 followers earlier that day thanks to this book. So yeah, I wanted to give my honest opinion, and my real experience. After all, it’s a non-fiction, how-to, instruction manual. But, guess what? That didn’t fly.

I’ve been asked to edit and re-submit an appropriate review to Amazon, which I am happy to do. But, I’m  shoot-from-the-hip kinda gal, and I write from my gut.

Here is a link for the book, followed by my original review. Because you can’t read it anywhere else.

I hate tech. Seriously. Don’t get it. Don’t understand it. Hit the wrong keys and I cuss at it. Hashtag? What the hell is that? Joined Twitter a few years ago, gave it a whirl and got bored. Fast. So, back to Facebook I went with beautiful images and endless lines of text. I’m a writer so that’s important, right?

Two and a half weeks ago, in the middle of the night, I came across an add for the ebook, Write Like You’re Already Famous by M LeMont. It was the first thing I ever bought on my cell phone (techno-phobe remember?), because I was 3,000 miles from my laptop. I started reading and couldn’t put it down. I found myself tweeting like a fiend, using hashtags, navigating the Twitter world all by myself. Go ahead. Laugh. I am an idiot when it comes to simple computer skills. Just ask my husband, my sisters, my friends. Dumb girl. Dumb with a capital D. In spite of that, my followers were booming. Mind you, I only started with 150 or more. I didn’t know and at the time I didn’t care.


Halfway through the book I realized, dang, I should get the first book. So I did. Bam! Are you kidding me? A whole world opened up I didn’t know existed. I had been doing it all wrong! Little tricks and hints. How to do this. When and where to do that. I found my tribe. Writers, authors, indie self-publishers everywhere. Following guess who? M LeMont. A writer. Today I broke 1,000 followers. Something I have tried to do on my writer Facebook page. Been trying to break 500 on that thing for almost 3 years! No bueno.

I just finished HTG 100,00 Twitter Followers last night with all the juicy tidbits at the end. The education I got from this book (still reading the other which is fab) was incredible. I am convinced that writers look out for other writers. The truth lies in the voice, which jumps off the page. Common sense. Clarity. The amazing thing is that I am connected with other writers, #smm (yeah, I know how to become a master of hashtags now), professionals, and people who actually have goals and work hard to achieve them. Work. That’s right. No spoon-feeding, easy-peasy, get rich over-night garbage. It’s 1:18am in the morning, but I am up. And I am stoked.

Twitter-tech I can understand, utilize, learn from, and grow.  5 Gold Stars!!

Serious about thanking your favorite author with a great book review? Avoid running amok, or you might get this message:


“Thanks for submitting a customer review on Amazon. Your review could not be posted to the website in its current form. While we appreciate your time and comments, reviews must adhere to the following guidelines:”

No matter what, keep writing reviews. Learn from Wile E. Coyote’s Acme Handbook.

Never give up.

Never give up.

Never give up…




1 Comment

  1. MG WELLS says:

    Thanks for sharing. Best wishes to you.

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